How good are you at Networking?

Have you heard of Networking Quotient (NQ)? NQ gauges the degree to which you’re recruiting, developing meaningful relationships, and cultivating a highly effective personal network. In this article we present a great assessment tool for it.

More than 85 % of jobs and businesses are received through networking which makes it one of the most essential skills to advance your career or expand your business!

You can start off improving your skills by first assessing your current network – find out your NQ (Networking Quotient) now! It works for all sorts of networking.



Honestly answer the following questions on a scale of 0-4:

– How many total people are in your Life, Social and Work networks?

0=none, 1=less than 50, 2=51-100, 3=101-200, 4=more than 200

– What’s the overall quality of your network contacts?

0=Very Poor, 1=Poor, 2=Good, 3=Very Good, 4=Excellent

– To what extent do you actively work on building your network relationships?

0=no extent, 1=little extent, 2=some extent, 3=great extent, 4=very great extent

– What is the strength of your relationships with your network members?

0=very weak, 1=weak, 2=in between weak and strong, 3=strong, 4=very strong

– How actively do you recruit new members to your network?

0=do nothing, 1=hardly at all, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=all the time

– To what extent is the relationship with your network members reciprocal (that is, you’ve helped them as much as they’ve helped you)?

0=not at all, 1=hardly at all, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=all the time

– To what extent do you leverage the Internet to build and maintain your networks?

0=not at all, 1=hardly at all, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=all the time

Multiply your total score by 10.


0-70 your NQ is very poor

71-140 your NQ needs improvement

141-210 your NQ is good

211 to 280 your NQ is excellent

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