Strengths Assessment is aimed at identifying current strengths and supporting career decisions. Discover and develop your full strengths to take action towards goals that energise you.

  • Gain experience in new areas to build your CV and exposure
  • Consider sectors based on your strengths
  • Set yourself 6-month and 2-year career challenges
  • Which strengths need further development to build confidence?

This service includes:

  • 20-minutes test with a detailed report in PDF – your Strengths, Hidden Talents, Weaknesses, Career Suggestions
  • 1-hour session with a career expert on how to use the results of the report for your career development
  • Strength report results are used for LinkedIn and CV writing

Not sure what to do for your next career move?
Struggling to find new clients or a job?

Schedule a 15 mins consultation to find out what best suits your situation and how we can help you to grow as fast as possible.

  • A short questionnaire to fill out to identify strengths and leadership styles
  • CV review and improvement based on Job market & keywords analysis
  • Selection of 1-2 job roles to build a strong CV
  • Recommendations for Cover Letters
  • Strength assessment is not included and is available at an extra cost (usually part of the Career Directions session)

Not sure what to do for your next career move?
Struggling to find new clients or a job?

Schedule a 15 mins consultation to find out what best suits your situation and how we can help you to grow as fast as possible.