Setting up and growing your business can be challenging and it is important to lead by an example. For the next few weeks, we’ll be talking to leaders about why they started business in the first place, what were their challenges and will hear their practical advise on leading with an impact.
Today we talk with Stefano Lanzi, CEO and founder of LG & Partners about his way to entrepreneurship and his core business values. Stefano started working for Deutsche Bank in 2006 until 2014; after this, he had a short experiences in Fideuram Intesa San Paolo Private Banking and in Sud Tirol Bank, before founding LG & Partners.
Stefano, tell us about your company and key businesses? Where are you based?
LG & Partners is based in Gallarate, near Milan, with focus on Corporate Finance. Our main business lines are 4:
1) Restuctoring & Turnaround
2) Startupping
3) Industry 4.0 & Digital Agenda
4) European Finance
We base our business on 10 people and a big network of partners all around Italy and also in Switzerland, Uk, Albania and France. We know have 3 other branches than the headquarters: Rome, Bari and Catania. We are working in developing our main branches, including a retail division to decrease our link to main customers to avoid risk of default. Our future plan, which also includes the development of the 2 connected company called SL and Sinergon in finance and trade, opening our skill to main European countries starting from UK.
How did you get into Corporate Finance business? Are there any particular events or people on your career path who had an impact on your future decision?
After 10 years in banking system I was rather bored of it, there was a lack of perspective in incoming, gains and technologies, so I decided with a friend of mine, who had a successful start up in the past, to start this news experience, which we called LG & Partners. We set it up based on our skills in finance and European funds for start up. I will always be grateful to my boss and Deutsche Bank where I had learnt a lot about organization, finance and multinational companies.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
There are many, and it’s difficult to choose, but I can surely say helping younger team members to develop their skills as well as my direct involvement in start up and restart initiatives are the top two.

Stefano, can you describe what leadership means to you?
In my opinion, leadership is team spirit and deep analysis.
And, what do you think makes a good team leader or a good manager?
For sure the key elements are understanding, listening, equality, respect and focus to result.
How important it is in your profession to have a trusted business network and continues learning?
Undoubtedly 100% important!
Can you share with us, is there anything in particular what motivates you?
Good question! Results first of all, but even the chance to have a better life for me and my family in the future to focus more on my private life.
Your company LG&Partners recently become Corporate Member of Leaders First, and you joined as a Premium Member. What lead to your decision to join Leaders First?
I was introduced to the founder of Leaders First Fabrizio Nicolosi, and I joined because of quality network of professionals the organization provides. I personally think nowadays networking is the key for success!
Please share with us what are your hobbies outside of work?
Riding horses, I am a half professional in jumping, travelling, music and food