Being a strong and effective Leader at SMEs is one of the toughest challenges someone can face. Employees need to feel empowered, and this is because:
- almost 50% of SMEs employees have quit a job because they felt management professionals did not treat them properly;
40% have cited a lack of trust and value from their current employers;
60% of employees within UK SMEs say they believe they would work better if their managers would allow them to get on with their work;
40% of respondents revealed they believe employer interference is affecting company productivity;
42% even think they could do a better job;
So what could be a solution for the stronger and more effective leadership in SMEs? For sure improved HR methods is a key answer, as well as improving CEOs own leadership standards.
CEOs have a lot on their plates when running a business, and improving their leadership styles may require time and effort which they often lack off. The other tempting decision could be leaving HR to be self-sufficient and focusing attention on critical business situations.
But importance of putting people first is significant in a modern workplace. Strengthening intrinsic motivation and a deeper sense of meaning brings greater level of engagement from employees, which effects positively businesses and may save it from crisis situations in the first place.
What CEOs of small-medium enterprises can start from, is working closer with their HR team to establish what skills and values potential new employees should bring to the firm, as well as defining skills which can be developed through training programmes for current employees.
And how can SMEs leaders strengthen their leadership styles? One of the solutions is to step back from their business for a new perspective, learn from experts and other entrepreneurs and just refresh their brain. A learning experience outside of your own office has a handful of benefits – when you change your environment and exchange experiences with fellow executives you tend to review your management style. Leadership courses for executives create an environment where participants learn and practice new skills which they then bring back to their daily business processes.
Combination of these – HR improved practices, creating company culture and perfecting your leadership skills – proved to bring success to larger corporations, so why SMEs leaders don’t take this to practice in their smaller work environments to reach stability and success?
For further leadership development and HR insights check out these activities Leaders First have prepared for their members:
Culture for Success ED-event in London
– Leaders First online Academy available to members at www.leadersfirst.co.uk